The first is the fact that I can’t use the [gallery] short code on a page because of the naming conflict between File Gallery plugin and Miinimatica. When Home Page View is set to blog under options, the plugin works fine and returns a full result set. When Home Page View is set to Gallery, I only get a truncated result set of 4 records as opposed to the 78.
Any suggestions and workaround would be greatly appreciated.
The other issue that I’m trying to wrap my mind around is the slider as static menu and pull its content from pages instead of posts. If seen mentions on here but nothing solid enough for me to build upon. Can the ‘post_type’ => ‘page’ be used in the slider loop?
Thanks again for any help.
]]>totally agree, this theme is one of the finest freebies. Only I was running into the same probs as you did, with both, gallery and front page. As I didn’t find out about the mentioned naming conflict before I feel obliged to give back a little bit 🙂
Here’s how I worked around things, ruff and dirty but it works for me (except myb using up precious php-memory)
I use ‘NextGEN Gallery’ plugin now instead to show my big galleries, works fine.
To see the slider on the front-page only I use the ‘Quick Page/Post Redirect DEV’ plugin. Just make a post which redirects to the page you want to have as a destination.
The ‘Q2W3 Post Order’ plugin lets you keep the ‘menu-posts’ on top if you need that.
Nice thing with that solution is that you can even mix it, meaning I can use the first 4 posts as ‘menu-posts’ and the rest as intended. Check out to see what I mean…
You seem to know more about coding than me, but you still might be interested to know that I’ve used
if( is_front_page() )
in the header section to get me a top menu on the blog view, as you had to scroll down the whole page to find the original menu, so there might be a starting point to code your desired solution…
Good luck 🙂
]]>BTW, love that spiral stair image…