Any hints to how to modify the theme for higher density screen devices? I have screen shots from Adobe Edge Inspect if anyone is interested.
]]>Media queries breakpoints are calculated in relation to layout column width, not display size. You’re probably viewing on a display where one column would fit but not two.
I’m not familiar with Android’s “View as desktop” feature.
]]>If I enable the twenty-twelve theme for instance, I don’t have this problem and the site renders wide. Or if I go to a page that is not optimized for mobile devices I see the whole page and can zoom in as usual.
So it hardly got anything to do with my screen, which is 468 PPI 1920 x 1080 pixels.
“View as desktop” tells the browser to ignore the mobile device specific css and render it out as a normal web page. Doesn’t work for Pinboard it seems.
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