04/25 @11:36 pm — I had the same type of code on my newest post, completed earlier today. When I came back to the computer, the page had code around the Categories, which had moved from the footer to the top under the title. My address is: http://newdispweb.com. What I did to solve it was to remove all of the Categories, and that took it out. It was replaced with the date, the author, a single [primary] category and an edit link. It was weird, but I do need to have Categories in the blog, you think?
ON A PREVIOUS MATTER THAT’S STILL NOT SOLVED, the Heading text DISAPPEARED, and I posted the question one week ago but don’t have a response yet. The text is still showing in the General menu, too. I didn’t do anything to change it, and now if I test any other themes, it’s not there, either. What happened to it, I need to know soon.
Please solve both of these issues ASAP.