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- Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220I like the Advanced Excerpt Options plugin. Not only does it allow setting up excerpts, but also can be set to display the post without any of the markup being stripped, so everything looks just like it does in the post.
AdvertismentDeprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220It sounds like you are trying to upload unzipped folders. When you downloaded the plugin that fixes 1.0.8 it is a zipped folder. You do not want to unzip it and upload the php file, you want to upload the zipped folder that it came in just the way it is.
The same thing with the theme folder. The unzipped pinboard folder contains several folders and quite a few php files. That folder needs to be zipped before it can be uploaded as a theme.
On a Mac, you can select the folder and and choose File > Compress; or Control-click it and choose Compress from the shortcut menu; or choose Compress from the Action menu in the Finder window (On Windows, right click the folder and choose Send To < Compressed (Zipped) Folder).
Then select the zipped folder to upload as a theme.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Featured Video Plus is pretty impressive.
You can use it with self hosted videos, YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion; and it has a good set of features, including the option to use a pop out (lightbox like) player.
The biggest drawback is that, as a featured image, it is not displayed in the post without added code.
I use a plugin called Advanced Excerpt. This plugin allows what is in the post to display on the homepage, category, archives, just as it is in the post. So, in the case of Pinboard, if I have a video first thing in a post, it displays in the tile for that post.
I use a plugin called FitVids for WordPress and use css (iframe {max-width: 100%; max-height: auto;}) to make sure that the videos are well behaved and stay in their containers.
You can see the results here:
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Of course, before trying any of this, BACKUP YOUR WORDPRESS INSTALLATION!!!
In this post:
cklosowski has come up with a plugin that seems to fix most of the issues. You can download the plugin here:
Once you have downloaded the plugin, there are two ways to activate it. You can go to Plugins < Add New < Upload
browse to the zipped folder on your computer, select it, then click Install Now… then activate it.
Or, if you are familiar with FTP, you can unzip the downloaded zip folder and upload the folder inside the unzipped folder into:
wp-contents < Plugins
You should then be able to activate it from the Plugin screen.
If you have 1.0.7 already, and you would prefer to downgrade, it works about the same way (only different π )
Assuming it is in the form of a zipped folder, go to:
Appearance < Themes < Install Themes < Upload
browse to the zipped folder and select it, then click Install Now… then activate it.
By FTP, unzip the folder, and install the folder with the theme in it into :
wp-content < Themes
(note: you do not want the theme version to be part of the folder name, just "pinboard")
This will overwrite the current (1.0.8) Pinboard theme.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220(Sorry, even though I am using the code button, this editor is stripping out the code)
Do keep in mind, that if you insert a search form into the nav bar, you may have display issues in mobile view, as the form will tend to attempt to blend in with the mobile nav button.
You can add a search form to the nav bar by inserting:
in the header.php file (either theme or child) below this:
You can then position the form using this:
nav#access > div#search > form#searchform { }
and style the form itself useing this:
nav#access > div#search > form#searchform > input#s { }
and remove the original form using this:
header#header >
form#searchform {
}NOTE: I have better results inserting custom css using plugins such as Live CSS Preview or PC Custom CSS.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Have you tried going to Theme Options > General, and entering 99 into the full posts to display before the grid on the Home Page setting?
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Be warned that many people are finding things are not working right or are broken after updating to this new version. If you do update, and can’t get back, a member (cklosowski) has contributed a plugin that seems to make things right.
You can read about it here:
And here:
And here:
And download the plugin here (Found on the first post above):
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Maybe this might help you decide:
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220It’s not a perfect solution, but in a Google search, if you enter the following text after your search term, it will display only results from this website, which are usually pretty good, although not always limited to the theme you are using. (You can try adding the theme name to the search term, but the quality of the result will depend on what you are searching for)
For example, infinite scroll stopped working for me after the last update, and I did a search like this:
infinite scroll
and immediately found my answer. (Actually, I had already rolled back to the previous version, but it’s a good example.)
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220@ mjamesf
I came here to see if I could find out how to keep the mobile menu from being covered by the search form when it drops down, and you solved that problem for me… and gave me a better placement for the menu as well.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
By the way, here was the perfect settings for me:
#header input#s {
z-index: 0;
#header {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 30px;
#access .nav-show,
#access a.nav-show:hover {
bottom: 10;
#access .nav-show,
#access a.nav-show:hover {
top: 2%;
left: 44%;
#access:target .menu {
margin-top: 40px;
}Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220My gosh, gavintfn! You really go the extra mile to help people out. Those are very detailed instructions you have given for the menu, and I am looking forward to learning something more about css in applying them.
I ended up inserting a traditional menu bar on my site, but I will try yours out soon.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Are you setting the images as featured images in posts?
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220I don’t understand what you mean by “set it to post as an image” or “publishing an image.”
The slider displays images that are set as featured images in posts. When you create a post, you need to scroll to the bottom of the sidebar on the right side of the post edit screed and set a featured image in the Featured Image area. That image should display in the slider.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantDeprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2432Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220Okay then, coolio, let’s try a different css pluging…
My Custom CSS:
Of course you don’t need to download plugins from the WordPress website, you can add them more directly by using the
Admin Panel > Plugins > Add New
feature.When you activate this plugin, a new menu item will be added to the menu in the Admin panel between the Appearance and Plugins menu items called My Custom C S S.
When you click on that, a window will open for you to enter the css code.
I prefer Live CSS because in the Customize area of WordPress you can see the effect of your css entries take place on your webpage (displayed in the main screen) as you enter the code. But My Custom CSS is easier to find on in the Admin menu.
Good luck. π
- This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by PCCh.
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4371Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_author_email' of non-object in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/fv-gravatar-cache/fv-gravatar-cache.php on line 236PCCh
ParticipantWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_langs.class.php:340) in /var/html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_wp.class.php on line 220π